M.F.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communication, Tehran University of Art,
– Member of the Association of Global Artists (AGA), International Network of Visual Creators, Soul, Korea
– Member of International Organization World Graphic Designers (WGD), Jakarta, Indonesia
– Ecuador Poster Biennale, Centro Cultural Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador
– 18th International Biennale of Theater Posters, Rzeszow, Poland
– TPAM 2022, Theatrical Poster, International Festival, Armenia
– Water: New Diamond, BIAH Poster Design Competition, Turkey
– Jazz in Ruins, Master Class vs Young Blood, International Festival, Hala Modeli GZUT, Poland
– Peru Design Biennale, Prue
– United State International Biennial Poster, College of Design, Iowa university, USA
– Solidarity, TAMTAM, International Poster Competition, Slovenia
– Socially Connected, physically distant, Why Festival, International Poster Competition, Italy
– Stop Body Organ Harvesting, TAICOT, International Poster Award, Taiwan